Project: Oto Deals

➢ Technology Used: React.js | Redux | Tailwind CSS | Node.js | Express | Firebase | Vercel | MongoDB

Live Site Client Server

Admin Dashboard:

➢ Firstly seller has to verify by admin, then they will be able to add their products.

➢ Admin can verify and can delete the user.

Buyer Dashboard:

➢ Buyers can book the products which are displayed in the category..

➢ In the buyer dashboard, how many products are booked will be shown.

➢ If the product is done by payment then it shows paid, otherwise there will be showing a pay button.

Seller Dashboard:

➢ There are 2 type of login system. If any user login with seller, then they will be able to add their products.

➢ In the My Products section, they can see their own products which are added.

All Catagories:

➢ In this section, all categories will be shown.

➢There are several categories, and each category has many products .


➢ For paying we implement Stripe